Sunday 15 March 2009

My last post... well who knows maybe ill carry on with the blog!

Well this is my 10th and final post!! This module has opened my eyes to lots of different forms of ICT that could be taken into the classroom which before I would not of aproached. At the start of the module I didnt know how to record podcasts or would not have known how to use Flowol in the classroom but now I feel confident to develop this further in my own teaching and adapt it to the appropraite year group.

I have really enjoyed the hands on activities and have found them all to be very creative and embedded with teamwork and collaboration.

ICT is here to stay and it is important that as I develop as a teacher I must ensure that I continue develop my own use of ICT in both my planning and teaching to empower learning.

I really hope that I will get the opportunity to use these in my next teaching practice and share the ideas with children so that they enjoy them as much as I have!



This week we created a flow chart for a scenario using Flowol. I did the traffic lights in which two sets of traffic lights either side of a bridge had to be set up so that they came on at the right times. At first I found it not to hard to set up the first set but didnt know how to link the second set to it. Once it had been brought to my attention that two flow charts could run side by side I set about synching the second sets with the first. This I found hard! The times had to be right and although it worked on the first loop it may not on the second which would result in a big car crash!!

I think this would be interesting to take into school but any activity using Flowol would need to be carefully structured and support available as it can be quite fustrating! The nice think about the scenarios were there were different levels of difficulties, the easiy scenario with the zebra lights flashing would be a good start for children and this could then be built up and extra inputs and outputs added in.

Overall very fustrating but satisfying once you have figured it out!


Tuesday 10 March 2009

Interactive maps!

Afew weeks ago we made interactive maps of Plymouth. Before this lecture I was not sure how this was done and was surprised to see how simple it was using Powerpoint. I already knew how to add hyperlinks and add text into the software so the task was fairly easy to do. Many children also have this basic knowledge so this is something that could easily be taken into the classroom.

What I have found interesting is that when starting to create the presentation for our group presentations we have been using these skills in the same way but instead of creating a map created a presentation that has links and is very more interactive than the normal parrallel presentations that are often seen.

I think once these basic skills have been mastered this is something that could be taken right down to young children to use. The application of these skills is then something to be worked on throughout their school life.


Monday 2 March 2009


Before this lesson I was very apprehensive about podcasts and my own ability to be able to create one. However this was something that I wanted to overcome because I believe their use in school can be very positive and beneficial.

When we were first given the Podium software it was slighlty confusing how we created the chapters and added in music. We were not given much direction but instead left to play around and investigate all the different aspects of the software.

We soon got to grasps with it and managed to record it within the hour! I feel that it may also be beneficial in some cases to let children just play around with the software and equipment and discover its use for themselves instead of always telling them how it works. By structuring this to help lower ability children, the class is being given a problem solving task that can enhance their expeience greatly.

The podium software can be used in a variety of contexts, by creating radio shows, or recording roleplay, once children have got to grips with all the features this software will be easily accessable and great fun to use!


Super Duper Music Looper

I really enjoyed using this software. Its set out very clearly and is accessible by children of all ages. Young children will find the way you paint on the mucis easy to use whilst older children can experiment with adding more loops and different types of instruments. When we used this software we worked in groups which was good for collaboration and team work, however I think using this in the classroom individualy may suit some children better as some children needs to be very hands on an experiment for themselves with all the different loops, something that can be hindered when working in groups. One advantage of this software is that you do not need to be able to play an instrument to create music that has lots of layers, its already there for you, however this can be a disadvantage as you cannot create your own loops, only the ones recorded are available.

I would be very keen to use this in schools, its great fun and produces an instant final piece of work that the children can hear. Fingers crossed they have the software in school though!


Tuesday 17 February 2009

The Four Seasons Animation!!!

Here it finally is... the finished animation ..

Animation Part 2!

So our animation is complete but were still having some problems trying to get it all linked with the music and the title and credits we added to it. However we've been able to watch it back and im really impressed at wha we've managed to achieve.

Working with the group to make the animation has been a really good experience. We worked really well as a team, each with out own jobs to create the animation quickly and with ease. Me, Donna and Vicki each took a bit of the picture to control and Tori worked on the computer to capture the image. We collaborated together with each of us moving our allocated part on different frames to make sure the animation flowed better. By the end of the session we were managing to really pick up the pace between moving the parts and the new images being captured and worked effectivly as a team to make sure our animation worked well.

Before doing this task I would have been very apprehensive in doing this in school with a class but now I am keen to use this as I really enjoyed it and seeing the end product made cutting out all the tiny leaves very worthwhile!

I think children would really benefit and enjoy this activity. In many way it promoted a lot of problem solving opportunities and opportunity for discussion to overcome this. When children are undertaking this sort of activity collaboration is key to success!

Fingers crossed we can get our animation up here soon!
